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Passport Office Strike Dates 2023

Ian Raine March 17th, 2023 5,147 views

Passport and plane
Picture Credit: Shutterstock
Passport Offices in Durham, Glasgow, Liverpool, London, Newport, Peterborough and Southport are set to strike from 3rd April to 5th May 2023 causing a “significant impact” on passport delivery. The Passport Office in Northern Ireland will join the strike action from 7th April but will also end on 5th May.

The five-week strike, announced by the PCS (Public and Commercial Services) union, is because of a long running dispute over pay, pensions, redundancy terms and job security.

Last month, the UK Government stated that holidaymakers still need to allow 10 weeks for a new passport to be issued this year but now with a five week walkout planned, the 10 week allowance could be longer.

Last year saw a high demand in passport renewals following the Pandemic and the relaxation of travel restrictions.

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