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Monthly Holiday Price Index - April 2024

Ian Raine May 28th, 2024 593 views

Holiday Prices Fall Slightly

Analysis of over 66 million holiday prices by Cheeky Trip found holiday prices fell slightly in April 2024 year on year – by 1.6%. Following on from the March Holiday Price Index, where the typical price of a holiday rose slightly compared to March 2023, prices have resumed the falling trend experienced in January and February.  

In comparison to this slight price fall, prices rose by +22% last April (2023) and +13% the year before (2022), after a price drop of -14% in April 2021. However, typical holiday prices in April 2024 are still higher than they were in 2020, 2021, and 2022.  

All Destinations Graph April 2024
All Destinations April Yearly Price Comparison. Picture Credit: Cheekytrip

The price of short-haul holidays fell by -7% while long/medium-haul trips increased slightly by +2% YOY. We previously reported that March prices to Mainland Spain fell by 5% and Malta by 7%. In April, they fell even further by -26% and -12% respectively, while prices to Turkey fell by just -3.6%, illustrating that there are large variations in price falls between destinations. Prices to Bulgaria bucked the trend in April with increases of around 3%.  

All Short Haul Destinations Graph April 2024
Short Haul April Yearly Price Comparison. Picture Credit: Cheekytrip

Long and medium haul prices increased slightly overall by +2%. However, this was largely influenced by a significant increase in holiday prices to the Caribbean (+22%). In contrast, prices to Mexico (-8%) and Cape Verde (-14%) experienced price decreases compared to April 2023. However, holidays to Egypt were relatively flat (-2%) after months of heavy price falls (-26% in March, -26% in February, and -35% in January). 

All Long Haul Destinations Graph April 2024
Long Haul April Yearly Price Comparison. Picture Credit: Cheekytrip

Last-minute holidays departing in 1 week fell by -9%, trips departing in one month fell by -2%, and holidays departing in 6 months were +4% more expensive.

“It is great to see more overall stability in holiday prices this year, after the price rises of the past couple of years as the industry bounced back from the COVID pandemic. However, we always like to look a little deeper, and as always, there are big variations between destinations – such as the big increase in Caribbean prices and the big fall in prices to Mainland Spain. It is also notable that prices to Egypt have stabilised after months of price falls due to conflict close to the region. It will be interesting to see if prices to Egypt have bottomed out or just levelled off for a while,” says Steve Campion, Managing Director at Cheeky Trip.

“We think 2024 is a great year for consumers to grab a holiday bargain. As always, we advise booking early for peak dates - but anyone who is flexible about departure dates and destinations will benefit from shopping around closer to departure to find a great value deal” continues Steve.

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